Inhabitant from Hattem receives high Canadian decoration

Edwin van der Wolf from Hattem was presented with a high Canadian decoration by Sabine Nölke, ambassador for Canada in the Netherlands. Mr. van der Wolf received “The Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers” for, among other things, his research work for the Information Centre Canadian Cemetery in Holten. During an impressive ceremony in her residence, Villa Groot Haesebroek in Wassenaar, the ambassador emphasized how exceptional it was for a non-Canadian citizen to receive this honour. A number of relatives and guests from Hattem and Holten had traveled to Wassenaar with Mr. van der Wolf to witness the festive decoration.
Since September 2011, Mr. van der Wolf has been a research worker, guide and host in the Information Centre Canadian Cemetery in Holten. He is also chairman of the foundation “Gedenkstenen (memorial stones) Hattem”.
“Edwin van der Wolf dedicates his time to honouring Canadian servicemen who died in Europe, particularly during the liberation of the Netherlands, and to educating younger generations about the importance of remembrance. He volunteers at the information centre at the Holten Canadian War Cemetery, where he guides visitors and conducts research “, said Sabine Nölke, ambassador for Canada in the Netherlands.

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