Tubbergen school teaches youngsters that freedom must never be taken for granted

There will not be many schools in this region that pay s much attention to the Second World War as Canisius Tubbergen. For which other school can boast a self-organized youth congress with the theme Freedom and Responsibility? With special thanks to enthusiastic teachers.
Mark Veldhuis, teacher: ”The fact that Holland celebrates the75th anniversary of its liberation is not the only reason for my school to pay so much attention to the Second World War. This memorial project was already started at Canisius four years ago. And in the past a memorial service was organizednear the graves on the Tubbergen cemetery. The school’s students also took part in several memorial projects in the area. In the course of the years they were present at memorial services, they held speeches, and they laid 21 wreaths.
Youth congress
Now the school is preparing their youth congress. With thanks to Veldhuis and his colleague Ebo van der Laan (teamleader), both endowed with an interest in and knowledge of the Second World War that is above average. They both cherish the fact that youngsters in Holland still have a fairly good knowledge of the war. This is also the case in Germany and Poland. But in England, regularly visited by van der Laan,”the war is hardly ever mentioned at all”. In Holland, too, that knowledge is gradually becoming less. Although…..”It is not really less, but different……”You don’t learn it at your mother’s knee anymore, do you…”.
Butt when it comes to the Second World War Mark Veldhuis is the man. He was born and raised in Tubbergen, and has an enormous ready knowledge when it comes to the war in his village. He made an investigation into the crews of planes that crashed in Tubbergen during the war. And he is obviously able to convey his fascination with the war to young people. “What has my special interest are the personal stories, the village, the history. And somewhere down the line you start making investigations yourself”.
The congress is one thing, but there is more. “As part of a project, students of our school are making flyers about the Second World War for elementary school children in Tubbergen’Veldhuis says.He shows us an example of such a flyer. In it are a colouring picture, a small puzzle and short pieces of information. Thus, primary school kids learn about the war without effort.The knowledge of dates and facts about the Second World War may be less now than, say, forty years ago but Veldhuis and van der Laan are convinced that our present freedom was won by sacrifice, and that freedom must never be taken for granted.
Special guests
And this is also the theme of the youth congress, to be held on April 4, 2020 at Canisius. All youngsters 18 and younger from the municipality of Tubbergen can visit the school at the Huyerenseweg for free that day. There are workshops, lectures and room for discussion. The aim of the congress is, Veldhuis says, to keep the discussion about the Second World War going at his school. t is also a good way to make youngsters realize that freedom is fragile, and not something to be taken for granted. Canisius succeeded in inviting some special guests to the congress. Among others, Jacques van Trommel and Jeanne Diele- Staal will come to Tubbergen. As a Jewish child, van Trommel had to go into hiding. Jeanne Diel’s father was a member of the NSB in Almelo. In her childhood she was confronted with the consequences of his choice. The congress will also pay attention to the Canadian cemetery in Holten. Almost 1400 soldiers, killed during the war, are buried here.

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