Visitor information

A piece of Canada on the Holterberg
The military cemetery “Canadian Cemetery Holten” on the Holterberg makes up an impressive reminder of the second World War. In the spring of 1945, after five years of oppression, ( mostly) Canadian troups liberated the eastern and northern parts of the Netherlands.  Courtesy  of the Dutch government, terrains were made available to give the fallen soldiers their final resting place.

In the adjoining information center we keep the memory of the fallen servicemen alive through personal stories, anecdotes and photos. Watch an impression of the liberation of the northern and eastern parts of the Netherlands, find background information about the cemetery and listen to impressive stories about the fallen liberators. At the information tables you can obtain further information about the liberation and our liberators.



By car
The Canadian Cemetery Holten is situated on the Holterberg near Holten. It can be reached via the A1, exits 26 and 27.Then follow the signs Holterberg and Canadian Cemetery.


By public transport

  • Train: The slow train between Apeldoorn and Almelo stops at the Holten train station twice every hour (once every hour in weekends). Get off the train here and take the station’s back exit. Then walk up the Holterberg by way of the Beukenlaantje. Follow the signs “Canadian Cemetery”.

  • Local bus: The Canadian Cemetery can be reached by the local bus. Reserve via flexRRReis by Arriva by phone: 085 – 2085212 (choose 1 for ‘reisinformatie’ and 7 for ‘flexRRReis’. More information at

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