Canadian Ground in the Holterberg
The Canadian Cemetery is a unique place in Holten. Here you can find peace and remember the sacrifices that were made in the past. The grounds always look beautifully maint..
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Memorial Service Holten Canadian War Cemetery on May 4, 2022
Very impressive Memorial Service Holten Ca..
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Opening renewed Information Center Canadian Cemetery Holten
On Friday, April 8, it was exactly 77 years ago that Holten was liberated by Canadian soldiers. That day, two years later than planned, the completely renovated and modernized i..
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Upkeep and Maintenance of the cemetery
The Canadian Cemetery in Holten, where 1394 soldiers were laid to rest, is an impressive reminder of the Second World War. A place like this deserves dedicated care and ..
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LIVE- Book presentation
On April 24 we will present “Holtense Canadezen”. The book is about the Canadian cemetery in Holten, and about some of the 1394 soldiers who are buried here...
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Extra stairs - Canadian Cemetery
If you have ever visited the Canadian Cemetery in Holten, they may have struck you: the moss-covered steps behind the Cross of Sacrifice. They connect two levels, but se..
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ICB Project: Interview series with surviving relatives
Relatives of Canadian soldiers buried in Holten are the main characters in an interview project set up by the Canadian Cemetery Information Center in Holten (ICB) in collaborati..
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The Canadian Cemetery is always neat and tidy. But in this period with the blooming roses, it looks extra beautiful. Thanks to cemetery manager André Deijk. He also took the..
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Inhabitant from Hattem receives high Canadian decoration
Edwin van der Wolf from Hattem was presented with a high Canadian decoration by Sabine Nölke, ambassador for Canada in the Netherlands. Mr. van der Wolf received “The..
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Canadian teachers on a study tour to Holten
On Tuesday, 16 June 2019, the Information Centre Canadian Cemetery (ICCC) in Holten hosted a party of Canadian history teachers who were on a study tour in Europe with the Cregg..
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'Give Every Stone a Story': over 500 to go for the Holten Canadian cemetery
“Give every stone a story”. This was our ambition when the information Center Canadian Cemetery was opened eight years ago. The volunteers of the research team, toge..
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First shovel of soil for extension infocenter Holten
On Monday a big shovel of sand marked the official first step for the extension of the Information Center Canadian Cemetery Holten.Trees..
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Interviewproject kicks off with emotional stories
Mid-April Sander Jongsma, Margriet Dekkers and Jan Braakman started the interview project for the Information Center Canadian Cemetery.Rita..
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Canada helps find backgrounds of war heroes
Jan Braakman will travel to Canada to document the personal stories of ten fallen soldiers. Each fallen war hero is brought to life again by the force of his or her ..
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The one medal that Cecil cherishes most
This week journalists Sander Jongsma 9 RTV East) and Jan Braakman( weekly Boerderij)(Farm) traveled through Canada to document stories of relatives of Canadian soldi..
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The man who never said goodbye
Bill O’Donnell must have been a very engaging man. His friend Wolf Solkin (96) always has Bill’s portrait with him. On memorial days he places the photo ..
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Documentary of RTV Oost to be broadcast on Christmas Day at 5 p.m.
Late September and early October Magriet Dekkers (Twente University), Jan Braakman (journalist, and volunteer for the Information Center Canadian Cemetery), and Sander Jongsma (..
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True stories in the experience room of the renewed informationcentre
In the new experience room of the Information Center stories are told of soldiers buried in the Canadian Cemetery in Holten. Also the story of Bill, the uncle of Virginia Tingley f..
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Extension of Info Center Canadian Cemetery on track
Albert van der Maat ( front) and Gerrit Vlogtman hope for the renovated information center at the Candian cemetery to be opened in March.If ..
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Candles light the names on the 1394 graves of the Canadian Cemetery in Holten
"Christmas cannot have a proper start if we have not been here first”. These words by the mayor of Rijssen-Holten, Arco Hofland, made clear how big a part of Holte..
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Documentary on RTV Oost
Last September RTV Oost reporter Sander Jongsma, journalist Jan Braakman and Margriet Dekkers of Twente University, travelled to Canada to interview family members of the soldie..
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Tubbergen school teaches youngsters that freedom must never be taken for granted
There will not be many schools in this region that pay s much attention to the Second World War as Canisius Tubbergen. For which other school can boast a self-organized ..
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The open guided tours will start again after the renovation and extension of our info center
After a period of building and rebuilding during which the Information Center Canadian Cemetery was closed, the opening date is in sight. The information center has seen a consi..
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Successful completion of newly-built part. Now ready for new furnishing
We have now entered the last phase of the newly-built part of the Information Center Canadian Cemetery Holten. Last Thursday, February 20, was the completion date of the..
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Our renovated ICB and the corona virus
Our renovated and partly newly-built information center is nearing completion. We are giving it the finishing touch. Designing firm Kingkorn is almost done with the ..
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Fallen soldiers were first given a temporary grave
On the Canadian cemetery in Holten 1394 servicemen found their last resting-place. Many of these fallen soldiers were initially buried elsewhere, on the spot where they fell in ..
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Tineke’s parents preserved a little family secret and kept it back from her
Between two packets of love letters, Tineke van Brakel (66) from Deventer found two envelopes. One was addressed to her dad’s parental home, the other to her mothe..
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75 Years of Liberation of The Netherlands – Reflections of a Canadian Soldier
As we approach Remembrance and Liberation Day in The Netherlands on the 4th and 5th of May respectively, we find humanity embroiled in another global battle, the battle against COV..
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Liberation of the Netherlands - Online Commemoration Concert, Ottawa, Canada
Due to the current Coronavirus pandemic, many events to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the Liberation unfortunately had to be cancell..
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From plan to realization: a photo impression of the renewed ICB
The renovation of our information center has finally been completed. We hope these photos and lines will give you a good first impression of the result.The first photo s..
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Renewed info center Canadian Cemetery is now open for the public
After months of building rebuilding and preparing the renewed info center of the Canadian Cemetery in Holten saw a lot of its plans thrown upside down by the corona pandemic..
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Roses on the Canadian Cemetery
The Canadian cemetery is beautiful at the moment. Managers André Deijk and Jan Deijk ensure that all graves are well maintained and that they have beautiful flowers...
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Europe Remembers On Tour
Europe Remembers goes on the first day of their tour to the Memorial Museum in Nijverdal and the Canadian War Cemetery in Holten...
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ICB Holten on Canadian television
Pieter Valkenburg is conducting research in Canada on behalf of the ICB Holten into the soldiers buried in the field of honor. CTV News Atlantic, a Canadian television channel, int..
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